Un bel video Patagonia di boulder, ma la prestazione non c’entra niente…

PHOTO CREDIT: ©Cristina Baussan THIS PHOTO IS TO BE USED TO PROMOTE PATAGONIA PRODUCTS ONLY. Authorized for licensed dealers - NO third party use. RIGHTS EXPIRE: 03/08/24 Zofia Reych warms up for the day at the Forest of Fontainebleau. Fontainebleau, France. December 9, 2022. © Cristina Baussan 2022, All Rights Reserved.

L’arrampicata, che sia boulder o lead o alpinismo, può essere tanto salvifica quanto deleteria se vissuta in un modo inadatto ale proprie caratteristiche e ai propri bisogni, la storia di Zofia Reych.

Zofia Reych è fondatrice del Women’s Bouldering Festival di Fontainebleau e autrice di Born to Climb: From Rock Climbing Pioneers to Olympic Athletes. Nella sua vita l’arrampicata è una forza trainante, ma per molto tempo è sembrata anche distruttiva. Dopo aver ricevuto diagnosi di Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico e Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività e dopo i limiti all’arrampicata durante il periodo della pandemia, Zof ha scoperto che forse il modo più efficace per migliorare la propria arrampicata era quello di lasciarla temporaneamente.

Climbing, whether it’s boulder or lead or mountaineering, can be both salvific and harmful if experienced in a way that is unsuitable for one’s characteristics and needs, the story of Zofia Reych.

Zofia Reych is founder of the Women’s Bouldering Festival of Fontainebleau and author of Born to Climb: From Rock Climbing Pioneers to Olympic Athletes. Climbing is a driving force in her life, but for a long time it also seemed destructive. After being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and experiencing limitations on climbing during the pandemic period, Zof discovered that perhaps the most effective way to improve one’s climbing was to temporarily quit it.

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