Fuori Russia e Bielorussia da tutte le competizioni verticali e aiuti all’Ucraina

In ottemperanza alle decisioni del CIO, anche la IFSC ha escluso a tempo indeterminato tutti gli atleti russi e bielorussi dalle competizioni verticali internazionali e ha annullato qualsiasi tappa prevista su quei territori. Ha inoltre previsto agevolazioni per la nazionale ucraina e lo studio di un piano di aiuti per la federazione del paese invaso dai Russi. La foto di apertura di Sytse Van Slooten riguarda l’atleta ucraina Jenya Kazbekova che oggi ha pubblicato un toccante messaggio sulla sua pagina Instagram che linkiamo a fondo pagina. Qui sotto il comunicato IFSC

In line with recommendations issued by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) regarding the implications of the war in Ukraine, the International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) has decided to implement the following measures:
To suspend all IFSC competitions scheduled to be held in Russia and Belarus until further notice, including the IFSC Boulder and Speed World Cup in Moscow (RUS), the IFSC Youth European Cup in Kaliningrad (RUS) – in accordance with IFSC Europe – and the 2023 IFSC Youth World Championships;
To suspend all Russian and Belarusian athletes and team officials from IFSC competitions; and
To nominate replacements for all the Russian and Belarusian IFSC Officials appointed to competitions in 2022. The measures were unanimously approved by the IFSC Executive Board.

Furthermore, the IFSC will discuss an additional series of measures to be approved by the upcoming General Assembly in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA on 18 and 19 March 2022, including but not limited to:
To waive the 2022 annual fee for the Ukrainian Mountaineering and Climbing Federation (UMF) and the 2022 Registration fee for all IFSC events – in accordance with IFSC Europe; and
To create a support programme to assist the Ukrainian Climbing community.
Measures and actions are subject to change, depending on development of the situation